Central Sóller

​Location: Camuy
Date Established: 1910
Date Ceased Operations: 1968
Annual Production Graph
Average Annual Production: 7,177 Tons
Best Production Year: 1963/15,646
Family Ownership: Marqués

Central Sóller and its corporate name Sóller Sugar Company, Inc. were given in honor of the city in the Balearic Island of Mallorca, hometown of its majority owner Antonio Marqués Arbona.  Guillermo (1874-1920) and Antonio (1881-1959) Marqués Arbona were Spanish immigrants from Sóller, Mallorca who arrived in Puerto Rico in 1896 and owned the firm Marqués Hnos. dedicated to the sale of agricultural products in Arecibo. 

In 1910 Antonio Marqués Arbona decided to establish the Sóller Sugar Company, Inc. while Guillermo continued to operate Marqués Hnos. in Arecibo.  At one point in time, the principal stockholders of Sóller Sugar Company, Inc. were Antonio and Guillermo, Ramón Gelabert D'Elias, Antonio Lens Cuena and Amelio Cortés.

Ramón Gelabert D'Elias (1904-1973) was also a Spanish immigrant from Mallorca who married Carmen Delia Marqués Muñoz (1909- ), the daughter of Antonio Marqués Arbona and was an Engineer at the sugar mill.  Attorney Antonio Lens Cuena (1882-1947) was a Spanish immigrant from Huelva, Andalucia who was the brother in law of Dr. Francisco Susoni Abreu owner of Central Bayaney.  Amelio Cortés Mendialdúa (1884-1956) was an established merchant in Arecibo born in Hatillo, PR.

In 1936 Antonio Marqués Arbona partnered with fellow Majorcan from the town of Porreras Andrés Barceló Barceló (1898-1975) to establish the firm Barceló Marqués & Co. and produce Palo Viejo Rum.  Molasses produced by Central Sóller were transported to the Palo Viejo Distillery in Arecibo for use in the manufacturing of Palo Viejo Rum.  It appears the rum distilling business required more molasses than Sóller could produce, so in 1938 Antonio partnered with Juan Antonio Gonzalez to establish Central Rio Llano in Camuy, adjacent to the Palo Viejo Rum Distillery.  

It is reported that in the 1940s the administrator of Central Sóller was Spanish immigrant from Sóller Guillermo Colom Marqués (1900- ) who arrived in Puerto Rico in 1914.  No family relationship with Antonio Marqués Arbona has been established though.

Central Sóller was located in Barrio Cibao of Camuy high up in the mountain range.  It was strategically located near plenty of water source on the shore of Lake Guajataca and the banks of the Rio Chiquito de Cibao.   All that remains of this sugar mill is what used to be the company store and a round cement structure, probably a water tank.  Pictures of the remains of the Palo Viejo Distillery can be found in the Central Rio Llano page.