Central Bayaney
Location: Hatillo
Date Established: 1916
Date Ceased Operations: 1923
Annual Production Graph
Average Annual Production: 1,607 Tons
Best Production Year: 1922/2,652 Tons
Family Ownership: Susoni
Corporate Ownership: N/A
Central Bayaney was located in a mountainous region within the municipal boundary of Hatillo, along the road to Lares and not too far away from where the Arecibo Observatory is located. The July 1910 edition of The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer reports "Central Bayaney's organization is every week more certain of ultimate fulfillment". It also states that: "where the land is going to come from, only the promoters know and planters are taking to the heights and mountain slopes". The August 1910 edition of the American Sugar Industry and Beet Sugar Gazette states that Central Bayaney was recently organized with a capital of $200,000 with its temporary Board of Directors being formed by Fernando Ledesma Fernandez (1877- ) who in 1917 was its administrator, Spanish immigrant from Palma de Mallorca Honorato Berga Pastor (1854- ) who arrived in Puerto Rico in 1891, Spanish immigrant from Palma de Mallorca Sebastian Bonet Berga (1876- ) who was the son-in-law of Honorato Berga Pastor, Spanish immigrant from Sóller Juan Pizá Bisbal (1869-1943) and Manuel Navas Nogueras (1859-1929).
The December 1916 edition of The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer states that: "Bayaney is the only sugar mill to grind in the next season which is of recent organization". It also states that: "the machinery utilized in this factory came from the old Buena Vista factory which was operated by Messrs. Sobrinos de Ezquiaga of San Juan. This corporation has a capital of $200,000 and its president is Mr. Francisco Susoni, a distinguished doctor who owns one of the best clinics in the island. The cane district of Arecibo, which provides abundant raw materials for Centrals Coloso and Los Caños, will also furnish cane to this new Central." Based on the foregoing, it took seven years from its initial planning and organization as well as a change in ownership for the sugar mill to come to being and commence operations.
Central Bayaney Inc. was incorporated in Puerto Rico on June 29, 1916 by Spanish immigrant from Vilagarcía de Arousa, Galicia Ramón García Lago (1857-1935), Fernando P. Ledesma Fernandez (1877- ) who in 1917 was the administrator of Central Bayaney, Restituto Blanco, Jesús González, Enrique Marín Fernandez (1880-1931) who was Senator for Arecibo and Brother-in-Law of Fernando P. Ledesma Fernandez, Valentín López and José D. Rivera. The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer report that Bayaney's machinery came from the Buena Vista Sugar Mill in Carolina conflicts with others that state the Buena Vista's machinery was installed at Central Progreso, also owned by Sobrinos de Ezquiaga. It is possible though, that the Central Buena Vista machinery was split between both Central Progreso and Central Bayaney.
Central Bayaney drew its sugarcane from growers who formerly sent their sugarcane to Central Los Caños and Central Coloso, both of which had planted additional acreage in lands of their own. During its lifetime, it reportedly suffered from lack of water and operated only a very short six years. For the 1920 season, the last of the "dance of the millions", it produced 40,000 bags of raw sugar selling all of them before the sugar price crash of 1921.
The last three drone pictures taken November 2021are the courtesy of Carlos Aleman. During his visit, neighbors mentioned the area has been cleared by the municipal government who plans to build a park in the area around the ruins.