Masonic Temple (Puerta de Tierra)
Nechodoma moved From Jacksonville to Puerto Rico in 1907. His first work on the island was mainly churches for the Methodist Church as evidenced by his designs of the McCabe Memorial Church, First United Methodist Church, Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel and schools including a school in Vieques and the Lucchetti School, all designed bwtween 1907 and 1908.
In 1908 Nechodoma relocated to the Dominican Reppublic where he lived until 1912. In the Dominican Republic he mostly engaged in the design of US supported public building. Between 1912 and 1915 after his return to Puerto Rico from the Dominican Republic, his work was predominantly residential. However, he designed some institutional buildings one of which was The Masonic Temple for the Gran Logia Soberana established in 1892, designed in 1912 and finished in 1914.
The Temple was used by the Masons until 1918 when the government acquired the building to house the offices of the Food Commission, agency created during WWI and dissolved at the end of the war. In 1919 the building was then occupied by the "Archivo Histórico de Puerto Rico" when the "Gran Logia Soberana" name on the front of the building was changed to "Archivo Hstórico de Puerto Rico". We do not know the date, but later on a high rise building for the Industrial Commission was constructed around the old temple which is now occupied by the Department of Social Services.
The original structure has been totally absorbed within the larger structure with only the entrance mass originally behind the four columns seen on the old picture below still visible.
This structure is located on Ponce de Leon Avenue opposite a row of other institutional buildings which include The Casino de Puerto Rico, The YMCA, The Ateneo Puertorriqueño, The Carnegie Library, The Casa de España and The Capitol Building, all built between 1910 and 1925.