Torrefacción Solivellas - Yauco
Solivellas & Cia. was a mercantile firm established in 1886 by Spanish immigrant from Sóller Lucas Solivellas Vicéns (1856-1929) and his brother-in-law also Spanish immigrant from Sóller Loreto Viqueira Villanueva (1866-1938) who in 1902 married Catalina Solivellas Vicéns. The firm was engaged in the business of buying coffee from local growers, processing and exporting it to Europe and other international markets.
At the time of his death In July 1929, Solivellas was the widower of Maria Rullán of which marriage no children were born. Five months after Lucas' death, the partnership was dissolved with the property where the coffee roasting facilities pictured below was located, awarded to Loreto Viqueira Villanueva, the surviving partner and Lucas nephews and Loreto's sons, Antonio (1903-1985) and Jaime (1905-2000) Viqueira Solivellas.
In 1931 the National City Bank of NY foreclosed on the property and in 1936 sold it to Diaz, Rodriguez & Cia., a partnership established by Joaquin Diaz and Antonio Rodriguez. In 1932 Diaz and Rodriguez had joined Juan Barneset in reorganizing the Puerto Rico Biscuit Co. into what today is still known as The Borinquen Biscuit Co.
As stated in the Borinquen Biscuit web page, the only remaining structure is a chimney and a big charcoal oven with several trays assembled in a wheel like mount moved by the gears that can be seen in the pictures below. The main building was demolished to give way to a modern apartment building. Per Archeologist Luis Pumarada O'Neill, Diaz, Rodriguez & Cia. manufactured cans for the Borinquen Biscuit Co. in what used to be the main building. In a 1978 report, Pumarada states that abandoned machinery for the can operation could still be found in the main building.