San Martín & León - West Tampa
In 1912, then twenty six year old Havana, Cuba born Jorge León Rodriguez (1886-1964), aka Jorge Rodriguez León and Jorge R. León, arrived in Tampa from Cuba where he had worked in his family's tobacco plantations and learned very well the tobacco leaf growing and cutting aspects of the cigar industry. Promptly after arriving in Tampa, he became a partner in the Ybor City firm P. San Martin Cigar Co. which was renamed the P. San Martin & León Cigar Co. and at the end of 1912 became San Martin & León Cigar Co. with Jorge as President & Treasurer.
This 16,897 sq. ft. brick cigar factory building was built in 1900 for A. Santaella & Co. When they outgrew the facilities and moved out in March 1904, the Leopold Powell & Co. moved here their New York operations and the factory they had at the southwest corner of Armina Ave. (now Armenia) & Walnut St. In 1914 the Leopold Powell & Co. was acquired by San Martín & León Cigar Co. who then consolidated its Ybor City operation at this location where they remained until 1926. The San Martin & León Cigar Co. manufactured the Flor de San Martin & León, Hoyo de Cuba and El Briche brands using blends of tobacco leafs from the León family plantations in Cuba. Their cigars were sold in the US and enjoyed great popularity in Argentina where shipments were made directly from Tampa.
The Tobacco publication of July 1, 1926 states that "The Tampa Cigarette Co., which expects to begin operations about August 1, has purchased the building of San Martin & Leon Cigar Company at Howard and Pine Streets, West Tampa, according to announcement made by John C. Kelly, Jr. Vice President of the company."
Other companies that used this factory building were: The C.M. Gil Cigar Co., The Gallo and Baer Co. (1946) and The Adrian Cigar Co. (1949). In subsequent years, this building would serve as a clubhouse for the Spanish, Italian, American, and Cuban clubs. On May 21, 1992 its then owner Frayne Sportswear Manufacturers, Inc. sold the property to Sam S. Martino. On October 19, 1999 title was transferred from Martino to All Bay Contactors Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., its current owner.