Hacienda San Felipe
We understand this hacienda has been referred to as Hacienda Busigó, maybe because the Busigó family owned its land sometime after 1902. Today, it is in the immediacies of the Busigó Marketing building. It is worthwhile noting that since 1923, José A. Busigó Acevedo (1866-1949), who was Mayor of Sabana Grande from 1904 to 1911, owned a nine hundred nine cuerdas coffee hacienda called Hacienda Villa Dolores in nearby Maricao. However, based on the Sitios Arqueologicos de Sabana Grande website, published and maintained by the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office, the original name of this hacienda was Hacienda San Felipe.
Not much is known of Hacienda San Felipe. José Ferreras Pagán in his 1902 book Biografía de las Riquezas de Puerto Rico includes Hacienda San Felipe in Sabana Grande but does not say much about it. He only states it was established in 1880 by Felipe Irizarry who was its owner in 1902. Felipe Irizarry may bre Felipe Irizarry Ramirez (1823-1904). In 1902, it sems sugarcane was not being grown here as Ferreras Pagán states it consisted of seventy six cuerdas dedicated to pastures and growing coffee and produce. He states it had a blood driven mill which appears to have been not in use at the time the book was published.
The chimney is located in a valley about ½ mile east of the town of Sabana Grande on PR-368 near the Rio Grande before it flows into the Rio Guanajibo.