Hacienda Carmen/Palés/Pastor Díaz
Originally known as Hacienda Carmen, this plantation was throughout the years also known as Hacienda Palés and Hacienda Pastor Diaz. It was located in Barrio Jauca just north of Jauca Bay in the town of Santa Isabel.
In a study prepared for a windmill project in the area, Architect Jorge Ortiz Colom and Eda M. Burgos PhD indicate that the chimney photographed below is where Hacienda Pastor Diaz was and that further to the east along the old railroad tracks and past what is known as Colonia Texidor, is where Hacienda Palés was. They state that in the Colonia Texidor there are ruins of the old horse stable, a house, a water tank and a hoist part of the Hacienda Pastor Diaz.
Ramón Anés Arsenaga was born in Isla Margarita, Venezuela(ca.1799-1853) and due to the political insurrection started in 1810 by Simón Bolivar, emigrated to Puerto Rico. In 1827 he was Mayor of Guayama and in 1830 the Vacant Land Board awarded him some 200 cuerdas in Barrio Jauca of Santa Isabel where in 1833 he established Hacienda Palés together with his brother Cristobal and also Venezuelan immigrant Julián Corraleño y Benavente who died in 1840.
Ramón Anés Arsenaga never married but had several children with Venancia Varela all of which were recognized in 1853 before Ramón's death; Luisa (1828-1906), Ysabel (1830-1871), Maria del Carmen (1831- 1860), Maria del Rosario (1833- ) and Lucía (1842- ). Maria del Carmen married José Ramirez but both died victims of the Cholera epidemic of 1860. Ysabel married Spanish immigrant from Asturias Ignacio Diaz Joglar and in August 1847, Luisa married Antonio Palés Herrera.
The Gaceta de Puerto Rico edition of January 9, 1872 publishes an edict announcing the sale at public auction of Hacienda Carmen which was owned by Ramón Anés until his death in 1853. The action was being promoted by Ignacio Diaz Joglar for the benfit of his children Ramón, Enriqueta and Ignacio Diaz Anés and Luisa Anés on her behalf as the daughter of Ramón Anés and for the benefit of her children Luis, Antonio (1853-1900), Domingo Wenceslao (1855-1939), Eloisa (1857-1926) and Jose Vicente (1872- ) Palés Anés.
It is evident from the above, that this hacienda was known as Carmen until Ramón Anés' death. It is reasonable to believe that during the nineteen years between Ramón's death and its sale at public auction in 1872, the hacienda was administered by Luisa's husband Antonio Palés Herrera and known as Hacienda Palés.
It is also reasonable to believe that at the public auction in 1872, the hacienda was acquired by Diaz Joglar who later acquired Hacienda Carlota in 1891. The name Pastor Diaz was most likely adopted when the hacienda was acquired (probably by inheritance) by Ramón Pastor Diaz Molinari (1877-1939), the son of Ignacio Diaz Joglar and his second wife wife Rufina Molinari Sanchez (1850-1914). The 1910 US Census records show Pastor Diaz as an independent farmer in Barrio Jauca of Santa Isabel which supports this assumption. It is likely that at this time Hacienda Pastor Diaz had stopped processing sugarcane and was just a colono for one of the area central sugar mills.
It is unclear to us if Hacienda Pastor Diaz and Hacienda Palés were two differnet haciendas as stated on the second paragraph above or if they were one and the same. There are several relationships between the Diaz and Palés families which may have something to do with the hacienda's history.
Ignacio Diaz Joglar's first wife was Isabel Anés, reason why he promoted the sale at public auction
Domingo Wenceslao Palés Anés married Concepcion Diaz Fraticelli (1863-1902), the daughter of Ignacio Diaz Joglar and his second wife Eglantina Fraticelli
Ramón Pastor Diaz Molinaris sister, Maria Esperanza Diaz Molinaris (1880-1949) married Manuel Texidor y Alcalá del Olmo (1875-1915 ) in 1897 and after his death in 1917 married a second time in the Dominican Republic Rafael Angel Palés Diaz (1884-1920) the son of Domingo Wenceslao Palés Anés and Concepcion Diaz Fraticelli
Maria Esperanza's spouse Manuel Texidor y Alcalá del Olmo, the son of Jesús María Texidor y Vazquez, a well known sugar planter in Guayama who owned haciendas Josefa, Puerto and Gregoria, may have some relationship to the Colonia Texidor mentioned above, fact not confirmed.
Today, the smoke stack is very close to the road and can be seen on the north side of PR-1 between Santa Isable and Salinas.