Hacienda La Lucia
Hacienda La Lucia was established in 1852 by French immigrant from Nantes Gustave Daussau Basprez (1813-1861) whose last name was adapted in Puerto Rico to Dausó. In 1837 Gustavo married also French immigrant Clemencia Dorion Charrette and they had a daughter named Maria Antonieta Lucía Dausó Dorion (1839-1909) after whom they named the hacienda. Lucia married also Frenchman from the Loire Valley Luis Maria Miguel Lavergne Breux and inherited the hacienda upon her parent's death.
In 1881 approximately fifty cuerdas of Hacienda Lucia were foreclosed upon by Julian Leroy as the result of a court claim for unpaid debt against Luis Lavergne. In 1883, Lavergne bought and installed the machinery photographed below, acquired from W & A McOnie in Glasgow. The November 19, 1885 edition of La Gaceta de Puero Rico reports that as a result of a court case established by José Facundo Cintrón against Lucia Dausó de Lavergne, the judge ordered the sale in public auction of the three hundred thirty cuerdas Hacienda Lucía and all its structures. The licitation resulted in its acquisition by Cintrón for 82,035 pesos. Cintrón was also owner of Ingenio Laura of which you can read on the Sugar Mills and Trapiches/Puerto Rico page.
In 1893, Hurricane San Roque caused substantial damage to the hacienda. It appears this was when Hacienda Lucia ceased to process its own sugarcane but reportedly sugarcane was grown on its lands until the 1930s. After it ceased grinding, its sugarcane was processed at Central Roig.
In May 2014 the Municipal Government of Yabucoa was granted permission to develop and maintain this property as a tourist attraction highlighting the importance of the hacienda in Yabucoa's rich sugar industry history. In February, 2019 when the pictures below were taken, no work had been done on this regard. As of February 2024, aside from fencing the area and restricting its access to the public, still no work had been done.