Burenes - Ponce
In 1883, Francisco Serra Soto (1840-1918) and his brother José Serra Soto (1847-1903), sons of Catalonian Francisco Serra Anglada, acquired a four hundred cuerdas tract of land from Basilio Ortiz Diaz of which one hundred and fifty were planted with coffee trees. In 1891 José Serra Soto acquired from Simón Battistini Pierluisi an adjacent one hundred eighty four cuerdas separated from the original four hundred cuerdas by the Barreal River, aka "Rio Chiquito", of which 50% interest was transferred to his brother Francisco in 1893. The consolidation of these two tracts of land in 1894 are the origin of the five hundred eighty four cuerdas Hacienda Burenes.
Throughout the years, because of death and/or transactions between the Serra family, ownership of the hacienda changed hands between descendants of the Serra Soto brothers, the Serra Ramirez de Arellano descendants of Francisco and the Serra Gaztambide descendants of José.
In 1914 then sole owners of the hacienda, Domingo Serra Ramirez de Arellano (1876-1949) and Amelia Serra Gaztambide (1881- ) formed the Domingo and Amelia Serra Agricultural Partnership which after being dissolved in 1924 was reorganized that same year being its members Domingo Serra Ramirez de Arellano (1876-1949) and his siblings; Altagracia (1885- ) and her husband Pedro Fullana Reinés (1873-1928), Carmen (1874-1954) and her husband Damián Pizá Mayol (1875-1932) and Rafael (1870-1950) and his wife Valentina Colón and their cousin Amelia Serra Gaztambide and her husband Rodulfo del Valle del Valle (1870-1948).
The partnership was dissolved for a second time in 1926. Subsequently, existing land was sold and additional land was purchased including forty one cuerdas acquired by Domingo Serra Ramirez de Arellano in 1931. In 1945 the Hacienda Burenes Corp. was organized as the sole owner of the hacienda.
In 1955, the remaining land of the forty one cuerdas tract acquired by Domingo in 1931 and the two tracts of land originally of four hundred and one hundred eighty four cuerdas each, were sold by Hacienda Burenes Corp. to Carlos Bonaparte who was related to Rosario Bonaparte the wife of Domingo Serra Ramirez de Arellano. In 1957, Bonaparte sold the land to Francisco, Pedro and Jaime Fullana Serra, the sons of Altagracia Serra Ramirez de Arellano and her husband Pedro Fullana Reinés, who sold the property the very next day to Pablo Landrau Diaz (1891- ). Since 1958 and until 1974 when it ceased to operate, Hacienda Burenes was operated by Pablo Landrau Rivera (1922-2004), the son of Pablo Landrau Diaz.
According to Archeologist Luis Pumarada O'Neill, the production facility of Hacienda Burenes had a peculiar four level architecture that took advantage of the mountain slope it is on. The original structure consisted of four levels, on the top level coffee was received and depulped, on the third level it was washed, on the second level it was initially dried and on the lower level it was further dried and packed ready for sale. Using this method, coffee was moved through its different processes by gravity with minimal touch by human hands. A hydraulic turbine on the lower level used water channeled from the nearby Portugués River to power the machinery located throughout all four levels.
Located in Barrio Tibes, due to the rugged terrain where it is located, Hacienda Burenes did not have a "glácil" or an open area where coffee was dried by the sun, typical of other coffee plantations. Coffee was dried in two mechanically run dryers that can be seen in the pictures below.
This YouTube video by the organization Isla Caribe, though in Spanish, is a good discertation regarding Hacienda Burenes. The first gallery is a 1987 picture made available by permission and the courtesy of Archeologist Luis Pumarada O'Neill. The visible damage to the upper portion of the building as seen on the first gallery was caused by Hurricane Georges in 1988.