Ingenio Antongiorgi
The remains of Ingenio Antongiorgi are just south of PR-2 between the towns of Yauco and Sabana Grande. On google maps, they lie within theboundaries of the municipality of Guanica just a few meters from the boundary with the municipality of Sabana Grande. They are located within the premises of what today is "Finca Vista Hermosa", a cattle farm where an employee identified the ruins as those of Ingenio Antongiorgi.
These ruins have been at times incorrectly identified as Ingenio Amistad belonging to the Vivoni family of San Germán. Ingenio Amistad was located southwest of the town of Lajas off of PR-116 as verified with a member of the Vivoni family who was born there. He verified that the ruins herein photographed belonged to the Antongiorgi family and that they never had any relationship to the Vivoni family.
Which member of the Antongiorgi family owned this property and what were its years of operation is unknown at this time. In the 19th Century there were several members of the Antongiorgi involved in agriculture. Possible owners were Juan Maria Antongiorgi Paoli (1799-1888) who also had ownership in Hacienda Florida and Hacienda Maria in nearby Yauco or his son Angel Antonio Antongiorgi Paoli (1843-1921) and his wife Lucia Boagna Rafaelli, both identified in census records as farmers.